Welcoming and Affirming
At St. John’s Church, we are a Christ-centered church with a history of being welcoming of and advocating for people regardless of race, language, immigration status, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, ability, or nationality.
Here, we are welcoming and affirming of our LGBTQ members and we welcome you to join us.
Welcome Visitors and Members
“Whoever you are and wherever you find yourself in the pilgrimage of life, you are welcome here in The Episcopal Church. Here at St. John’s Church, we seek to be a Bisbee branch of the Jesus Movement centering our worship and community life on Christ and his teaching to love our neighbors as ourselves. We are intentional in our mission to follow that teaching and so we strive to be a radically inclusive community. Please, reach out to us by the emails provided if you have any questions or are in need of pastoral care and support.”